不敗 [Bubai].

So basically I just watched this video and lol'ed a bit.

First I have to say that my picture of Van Ness Wu is the awkward long haired man in Meteor Garden (which was one of the most drawn-out series I've ever watched, the 2nd season was pretty much rubbish but anyway) and to see him like this was quite a shock.
Then we've got Junho here. Junho, Junho, Junho. He is just gorgeous.. and that voice. *goose bumps*
But the thing that made me laugh was actually the whole video itself.

My own personal interpretation of it is that the girl in the beginning is a matchmaker.
Van Ness and Junho are two men who got dumped but refuses to give up on love and therefore decides to sign up to the whole matchmaking-thingy. The computer (randomly) gets them together and they start of as friends (exihibit A @ 01.00). They're extremely happy when they're together and they can't stop smiling. They start to court each other (exhibit B @ 01.20-01.25). It starts very innocently with them playing around but they gradually become more and more touchy (exhibit C @ 02.16). They BOTH catch a bouquet (03.15-03.16) meaning they are the next ones to get married (or whatever the meaning of catching a bouquet in a wedding is). I mean, if only one of them caught it then it could mean that that person would get married to someone unknown but no, they're supposed to get married to each other (apparently). At the very end you can see that the matchmaker's job is done because they're together ("Upload Finish").
Maybe I'm reading too much into this or maybe I'm just extremely influenced by my current fixation with gay couples. Idk, it might be a mixture of both in this case. LOL.

"Who has never got hurt?
Only when you've experienced the pain you'd realize what is worth loving.
Don't be afraid of defeat, believe you're unbeatable.
If you've never felt pain, how would you know the feeling of pleasure?
Even if you fail, believe that true love will be undefeated.
Love experience will let me know why I'm alive."



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